hmmmm friends a knocking.....Olympics or Bust!!!
I've just finished a grueling week of training courses here and now I am ready to head home for the holidays. I must say that I am a little sad leaving here and my new buddies (although most are leaving as well). This sadness is outweighed by the thrill I feel when thinking about seeing my family and friends.
Last night VFJN and JA came over and we stayed up late chatting and planning/booking a weekend trip to the Winter Olympics in Turin. We have been chatting about this for a bit. VFJN is an Olympic junkie...and hell I love Italy. VFJN was walking by my place and knocked on my. We all have been trying to hang out more because we are all leaving in the next two days. She sat down at my computer and said you know we should just book this trip because I don't want it to turn into something that we talk about but never do...... LOVE HER!!!! She rocks!! So we are going and have narrowed down our sporting events we want to see.
As we were looking for deals there was another knock on my window and JA was outside. Love JA!!!! My room and location cracks me up, I am on a busy (for Cambridge) street I am sub-ground level so everyone just knocks on my window and peeks in. I am used to it know ...I must say that at the beginning I was startled but I am now starting to tell my visitors apart by their knocking sound and pattern. I was honored when some friends confessed that they alter their normal routes to see if my light is on and I am home. (Trust me I do get scorned when their knocks are missed and un-answered). I love this situation; it adds character to the whole move to UK thing.
An hour later two more buddies were passing by and came a-knocking and we had a lovely little gathering. We kicked them out after a bit because they are boys and we wanted to go back to our womanly know around our Caldrons ;)
It was such a lovely time just hanging out and brainstorming our potential weekend trips. I love girl nights that go way passed your bed time on a school night!!!!