
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

My Photo
Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sharing my Happy Place with Leah....Hope you had a great B-day!!!!

I am very tired and have to go to bed but now I will have these visions dancing in my head:

Ca ca ca ca ColdHeart.....that is Professor Coldheart to you! Face it he is gonna flunk you!

You've Been Stared!!! WE will WE will Care Bear Stare You!

Peculiar Purple Pie-man of Porcupine Peak....Yah Tah Tah Tah Tah ta Ta TAh tah Ta!
Do not date this man!

Strawberry, Nice girl...gets walked over a lot but has surrounded herself with a great crew of friends/support group.

Tea n' Honey....Her British Scientist Friend...This character is respondsible for my horrible British Accent and maybe being a scientist.

Special Leah Birthday Section:
Last Unicorn

No No Morrissey... YOU HAVE KILLED ME

Sadly to say there are some of my readers who this entry will thrill! For those I write this for you.....know you now why I moved over here. Right (tone sarcastic)

I just witnessed on UK tele Morrissey's brand new video for the single
You Have Killed Me
This features Morrissey as an entrant in the 1970 Eurovision Contest. Along with vintage clothing, the video was filmed with 1970s analogue video cameras. Director Bucky Fukumoto is responsible for a number of Morrissey's infamous videos, including Irish Blood, English Heart and I Have Forgiven Jesus.

I did find the video amusing....that is all I will say.

You Have Killed Me (this guy needs a hug from a tele tuby)
Morrissey if you are reading this...if I ever see you I am CARE-BEAR-STARING your ass!!

You know what they say about curling.....No seriously do you know what they say about curling? Cause I don't.

Olympic Curling.......blink 15 minutes and you might miss something. Couldn't find the edge of my seat but got lots of mini naps in!

You need sporting events like this to make up for all of the times you are putting your bladder and kidneys through dire stress of holding and waiting. Not here folks, go to the bathroom all you want. Hell do your errands!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cherries-- Powerful Happy Fruit!

Ok so I just went to the small package store (Apu's) tonight and I saw............ New Edition Diet Coke with Cherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES YES YES.....it is the small things folks.
Is this available in the States? How long has this been around?

When I want a treat now I don't have to make my 50-50 mixture of Diet Coke and Cherry Cola!

My best Cherry Cola moment was at this cool bar (where I have been for their brunch and it is good) in Brooklyn (near DUMBO) around the water. A bunch of us were there and I was going to have to go pick up someone at Port Authority so I was designated driver and the Bartender felt sad for me and asked what I wanted to have...went like this:
Me: “I'll just have a coke or diet coke.”
Bartender: “Are you sure...well how can I make that special for you?”
Me: “I don't know put a bunch of cherries in it cause I just love cherries and especially in coke.”
Bartender: “Why don't I make you Cherry Coke?”
Me: “Do you have Cherry coke?”
Bartender: “No but I will make you some right now!”

What happens next can only be called Magic…..he pours coke and juice from cherry jar simultaneously....adding three cherries MY FAVORITE NUMBER!!
Me: “Wow!!! I never thought about that. Thank you very much!”
I take a sip and it is great
He is very please and proud!
I am a happy princess.....thinking back I should have tried to marry that guy! He rocks. I still remember that moment from 4-5 years ago! Great impact moment!

laundry and rowing


I am heading to Olympics tomorrow......and I am soooo pumped.

Last night I did 8 loads of laundry....in my college facility that consists of 3 machines and 2 big dryers...I became a timing machine! Others that wanted to use the machine were not my fans. They college got new high-tech machine with too many options. I was excited to wash my towels and sheets on Cotton Hygiene 95C and my jeans on Denim settings. The old machine washing took 40min….now they are an hour and boy are your clothes clean!

I like to have a rule that before I leave for a trip I wash all bedding and towels etc. Nice to come home to clean stuff!

Tonight I subbed into a men's town team boat. Town teams get to row at night. It is eerily calm, very dark and at times spooky! You row along and then you see a huge swan that you are about to hit with your oar. It will be quiet and then suddenly another team rows by. It is funny to be in these boats and have to put head lights on them. I would love to be in a crew that wears those glow necklaces that you get at a carnival….that would look so cool and alien like. Maybe I can get some Glow in the dark face paint!

I loved looking up and seeing a sky full of stars and constellations. It was so cute because anytime the coxswain said "guys or gentlemen"....she quickly added and "girl and lady"....they are not used to having a girl in the boat. I’m just a girl in the world!

Friday, February 10, 2006

the sun will still rise

Feeling much better today! Got up insanely early and had a nice long row. We practically had the river to ourselves, which is unusual here.

We have the greatest coach in the world. He is a treasure. I have had all sorts of coaches and I know that he is the best. I always love when he tell us to smile and have fun in the middle of a difficult piece...he is not happy until he sees us all smile.

When you have a great coach who really knows the sport that is one thing but when you combine that will the fact that he is the sweetest and kind person....it just makes you want to row better for him!

Rowing here with my crew and coach has become like therapy for me.

I always love being in a boat and watching sun come up.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Now that you've told me...I can't stop saying it!

A few days ago a buddy of mine from Scotland informed me that one of my favorite phrases is loathed here in the UK.

This guys is one of my favorite people. He is so blunt and funny.

He said, “You know people here hate that phrase, it drives them nuts.”

I was shock! “Really? Are you sure?”

He: “Yup! I figured you realized that and just wanted to piss everyone off, but then I figured you might not know.”

Me: “Well I think my/our use of this in the States is meant to be funny and sarcastic and also to alleviate any AWKWARD MOMENTS….say like this one right now.”

Now that he has said this I am using it all the time. I can't help myself. I mean before this knowledge my use was every once in a while. Now I think purposely trying not to say it makes me saying it all the time.

Luckily every time this happens my buddy just cracks up….but he will probably snap soon.

The phrase that I speak of is "Any hoo"

A well placed pause!

Oh yeah folks……I got my OLYMPIC CURLING tickets today!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah baby! I am pumped to see some curling or as my buddy VFJN says, “The sport that makes you feel good that there is still some chance that anyone can compete in the Olympics”.

I am actually looking forward to this. I want to learn and get at the heart of this event. VFJN and I when telling people that we are heading to the Olympics usually make some funny remark about curling.

A few nights ago as I am about to start with my witty banter on curling to the crowd of folks I am with at the pub…..for some reason (fate perhaps) …I had a saving PAUSE before launching on. Here is what I mean:

Me: “Yeah V and I are going to the Olympics and we are going to see some curling”…..PAUSE

(during my pause) L a girl in our groups says, “Really, that is great! My boyfriend S (guy in our group) represented the UK in the national and last Olympic teams, but he is taking a break and not on the team for this year.”

Me: (I am big eyed and dazed as I look over to S. ) “Really S, I had NO IDEA wow you are an Olympic curler.” I am screaming this so that VFJN (who is just joining back with our group) can hear and realize that this is not the time and place for our curling routine.
“So you are taking a break this year…..Do people need breaks from Curling?”

Olympian S: Starts launching into curling speak….”You see the thing about curling that people don’t realize is that”……..

ME: I have slipped into a Coma….Although I did wake up once when V couldn’t help herself any longer and said to L, “So L does this mean that S is the best sweeper and your flat’s floors are the cleanest.” Hee hee

Later that evening V and I are walking back and the moment we are away from pub we start. “Dude what was that all about?” “Thank god you paused before starting to crack on curling.” “Can you believe that S is a freaking curler for team UK?”

Thank goodness for the Power of the Pause! Have you used your Pause today?

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