
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Cup...This place is Crazy for Soccer...Oops Football

The last few weeks have been buzzing with the World Cup excitement! Is England going to bring the Cup home? That is what everyone wants to know. People love teams or HATE them.

When a game is on there is a fever in the areas near the pubs and clubs. Things are loud and people and yelling or signing....But they are always drinking!!!
There team songs are kind-of lame.

When walking down the streets I can sense that if something goes wrong people could snap at any moment. It is odd because I haven't encountered any situations like this over here until now. Seems like a normal thing at home during various sporting events....(Red Sox)

I have been slowly getting it to it and when I make vague comments on some players/teams (that I have just randomly heard on the radio) to co-workers and friends they are all shocked and happy that I know something about "Football". My friends are getting their country's flags out and getting ready for their teams big match! ohhh cute.

I do like the worldly appeal and nature of the World Cup. So many nations all sharing their obsessive passion for the same game.

"Just please don't call it Soccer"...is what I am reminded from time to time from various people. I am looking forward to watching the USA v Czech and then the USA v Italy games....Words that I thought would never come out of my mouth. (somewhere in the world... Pigs are flying in a V formation over crop circles in a corn field)

My Italian friends have warned me that in the morning they will be my friends and love me....but at night when the match is on .....we will be arch enemies. BRING IT ON!!!!

The Punter I became!

I went punting the other night with some of the girls from my team. We all have been working so hard on thesis, first year reports, dissertations.....blah blah and decided to be spontaneous and go grab a punt and head out for adventure.

This was my first time actually as the punter. I have escaped being the punter various times with lame excuses. The girls were not going to let me get away without trying. I have taught them how to row and now they were teaching me how to punt. Lots of Master and Grasshoper moments.....I felt that safe and free from judgment with this audience and it was good. The hardest thing in standing up on the platform in good balance. My knees were shaking awful but I did it. I was rather slow but my steering was spot on!
I must say that there are two types those who like to punt and those who like to be punted.....I am the later.

It was a lovely night and the company was wonderful! We just lived in the moment and treasured the conversations! Awwwww Cambridge! Loving It!!!!

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