
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

My Photo
Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Sunday, May 25, 2008



I have been lucky enough to see some films recently.....trying to live up my student life style and discounts ;)

Loved Iron Man.....RDJr was great and I soooo want to see the next one PLEASE BE MAKING ANOTHER ONE!!!!! Housemate and BFFL ....SAJF....was not impressed although given that his pHD and background are in Steel/ Metals.....well he was critical.

Persepolis was great I loved it....a real treat! I love little girl Marjane! I liked the music (which thanks to SAJF, I know have).


Tonight we are seeing Indiana Jones !!!!!!! I am sooo excited and love the films. I have great memories watching these as a kid. Love the Geography lessons...with map and flying plane during the movies. I have told my friends that seeing this movie is important to me....and they need to keep that in mind. M has never seen these movies so I gave a seminar today about the previous films and with Youtube's help showed some classic scenes.....

---Like Knife vs Gun fight
---Snakes....why does it have to be Snakes.....

It was interesting to explain to M...

... this is me, " um yeah....so the first and third movies were Indy vs Nazis and the second was Indy vs mystical cults and child-slavery..... (Silence)...but this new movie is Indy vs the Soviets not the Nazis." (so there won't be any funny German Accents......which is good)

Can't wait!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

reasons to be happy

Sorry for the lack of writing......

I am working on writing the big thing.......as it my time here is dwindling down. Nearly finished in the lab and so I need to read and write...write write.......

I wish it was in blog form....

Reasons I am happy.......

Weather is nice

Long weekend

AS-B had a baby boy CONGRATS!!!!

ARAG's little girl is sooooooo CUTE!!! Love her!!!

Sis is safe from twisters.....

I have my passport back.....(needed more pages to be bound in.....not having it was strange even though it was only gone a week)

And.....last night I was hanging at home because M told me something was arriving from him and for me to be home to receive it........thinking it was flowers ....I just said OK...........

BUT IT WAS HIM!!!!!!!!! He surprised me and showed up at my door!!!!!


Happy Memorial day weekend!!!!!

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