
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Monday, October 10, 2005

"Fast" not the word you always think it is!

Archery Fast and Regular Fast are totally different!

Up during my few days in the Peak District I signed up to try Archery….which I do now fancy and have since joined an Archery Society here at school.

The Archery instructor gave us some Safety words to use…for example:

Safe Safe = all is clear and you can continue with what you are doing

Fast = as in Hold fast = stop what you are doing immediately

I was up to take my shot and I hear “Fast”. I am sorry but where I am from that means something totally different= do what you where doing but with more speed….so I fumble with my arrow and I think man this instructor is rushing me….then my group yells “NO”.

To which I then remember and put everything down.

“Fast” in this situation meant stop, there is a lost hiker behind the targets….NOT Shoot your arrow quickly into the lost Hiker… Glad we cleared that up!

I am learning everyday!


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