My Crew’s Race Costume…..seemed like a good idea…. in my head….
I had two races this weekend. A serious long distance piece which we did ok in and a short sprint piece in which crews dressed up in costumes.
Let me interrupt myself…….
I LOVE dressing up in costume….most of you at home know this and have joined in on the madness… Here in Cambridge, UK I have entered a land that I was not ready nor expecting…the land of dress-up and make-believe. I am now kicking myself for my 500lbs of luggage containing practical items, like coats, pants, sweaters…etc. AND NOT all of my costumes….such numbers as Cruellia Devil, Black Widow, Bar Maiden, Wigs Wigs Wigs, Hippie, Trinity, Scarlet O’Hara, Pageant Contestant, 80’s, HogWarts Drop-out, Flapper, Wonder-Woman….etc. I WILL be packing up as many as I can carry when home for the holidays!!!
This weekend I went to a Heroes and Villains Party…..without my Wonder-Woman costume…..ARGGGHHHHH!!! I dressed sexy-assassin-like and I wore my kick-ass Wonder-Woman Pin that lovely LL gave me as a going away gift. Everyone loved the pin and I explained that I was undercover Diana…. WW ;)
Ok back to the race…. The Captain put out the question of what the crew was going to dress up as ….without restricting the physicality of our Rowing. No-one answered the call and instantly I put out my idea. Now before I divulge this idea….I must say it was pretty damn amazing that I got 7 of the crew to go along with this considering they had NO idea of what I was talking about. (Only one other girl in boat is from US) On Sunday November 20, 2005 at 10:00am we became Blue (Wo)man Crew….paying homage to Blue Man Group.
This was suppose to be great because:
our college colors are Blue, it only requires us wearing all black, wearing blue face paint, and we wore our College Blue knit caps.
Great right? Original right? Blue Man Group is just starting to hit the UK!
Well it is hard to find lots of blue face-paint so I ordered some that I could get online/shipped in a couple of days.
Problem….. it was a bit darker than I hoped more Royal Navy Blue not Electric Blue. When I finished that last face of my Crew I looked at us and thought ….oh crap we look like Scary Creepy Thug Burglars….. Ooooopppps
The other crews start rowing by our boathouse and looked at us in Horror. There was a lot of, “What the hell are they?”
As I watch the other crews, I see all of the other billion ideas that we could have done and not interfered in our rowing…..things like Bunnies (just ears and little tails), Nurses (red-cross hats), Devils (horns), Fairies (pink wings), bees, princesses (tiaras)….I could go on….all really cute and pretty/sexy feminine costumes…..
WE looked like the Crew that is going to try to beat you and come over and rob you!!!!! God love my crew because we all looked horrible together and we were all laughing our asses off.
The highlight was the fact that we looked like the ugliest scariest women but we had the most fans and sexiest guys (our men’s team) show up and route for us!!!!
Besides at the end of the day we can say that we where NOT adding to the Miss-use of viewing females-as-sex-objects!!! Right.
I must have said Sorry a thousand times. It would have been just so great if the shading of blue was better…..but everyone loved the fact that NOONE will forget our costumes.
Also another side note….. The men’s crew teams had the best costumes. I was soooo impressed with their effort.
My favorites were:
70s disco kings
Rowing in Tuxes
Sunflower Crew
Let me interrupt myself…….
I LOVE dressing up in costume….most of you at home know this and have joined in on the madness… Here in Cambridge, UK I have entered a land that I was not ready nor expecting…the land of dress-up and make-believe. I am now kicking myself for my 500lbs of luggage containing practical items, like coats, pants, sweaters…etc. AND NOT all of my costumes….such numbers as Cruellia Devil, Black Widow, Bar Maiden, Wigs Wigs Wigs, Hippie, Trinity, Scarlet O’Hara, Pageant Contestant, 80’s, HogWarts Drop-out, Flapper, Wonder-Woman….etc. I WILL be packing up as many as I can carry when home for the holidays!!!
This weekend I went to a Heroes and Villains Party…..without my Wonder-Woman costume…..ARGGGHHHHH!!! I dressed sexy-assassin-like and I wore my kick-ass Wonder-Woman Pin that lovely LL gave me as a going away gift. Everyone loved the pin and I explained that I was undercover Diana…. WW ;)
Ok back to the race…. The Captain put out the question of what the crew was going to dress up as ….without restricting the physicality of our Rowing. No-one answered the call and instantly I put out my idea. Now before I divulge this idea….I must say it was pretty damn amazing that I got 7 of the crew to go along with this considering they had NO idea of what I was talking about. (Only one other girl in boat is from US) On Sunday November 20, 2005 at 10:00am we became Blue (Wo)man Crew….paying homage to Blue Man Group.
This was suppose to be great because:
our college colors are Blue, it only requires us wearing all black, wearing blue face paint, and we wore our College Blue knit caps.
Great right? Original right? Blue Man Group is just starting to hit the UK!
Well it is hard to find lots of blue face-paint so I ordered some that I could get online/shipped in a couple of days.
Problem….. it was a bit darker than I hoped more Royal Navy Blue not Electric Blue. When I finished that last face of my Crew I looked at us and thought ….oh crap we look like Scary Creepy Thug Burglars….. Ooooopppps
The other crews start rowing by our boathouse and looked at us in Horror. There was a lot of, “What the hell are they?”
As I watch the other crews, I see all of the other billion ideas that we could have done and not interfered in our rowing…..things like Bunnies (just ears and little tails), Nurses (red-cross hats), Devils (horns), Fairies (pink wings), bees, princesses (tiaras)….I could go on….all really cute and pretty/sexy feminine costumes…..
WE looked like the Crew that is going to try to beat you and come over and rob you!!!!! God love my crew because we all looked horrible together and we were all laughing our asses off.
The highlight was the fact that we looked like the ugliest scariest women but we had the most fans and sexiest guys (our men’s team) show up and route for us!!!!
Besides at the end of the day we can say that we where NOT adding to the Miss-use of viewing females-as-sex-objects!!! Right.
I must have said Sorry a thousand times. It would have been just so great if the shading of blue was better…..but everyone loved the fact that NOONE will forget our costumes.
Also another side note….. The men’s crew teams had the best costumes. I was soooo impressed with their effort.
My favorites were:
70s disco kings
Rowing in Tuxes
Sunflower Crew
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