NO Lightbulb ideas.....THEN BUY ONE!!!

I had one of those days where nothing in the lab worked…plus I am having writing block for a report that is…..(well past due) due in a few weeks…..So I decided to leave lab early and buy some things for my room that I have meaning to.
The luck that I have been lacking at work came through with shopping as everything I purchase was really cheap due to sales on sales on sales!!! YEAH!!!
I decided that I would be decedent and get a taxi for the trek back to my room, so this allowed me to buy big bulky things. (Although I ended up walking a half way home and then caved as my arms were about to break)
My two best purchases today included:
- A headset for my computer ……I call people from my computer and had a cheap little mic and a speaker. This caused two complaints from my callers :
1. They could hear themselves speak through my speaker……(AG that is you and my dad!!)
2. Lots of weird noises given a odd connection…… (VG claimed that there was a odd head splitting-tumor-causing buzzing alien computer noise. My mom wins with the most creative sound complaint…..She said that I sounded like I had my head outside a window of a moving train going through a tunnel UNDER WATER!!!!)
I have tried the new headset with my mom and she said it was sooooo much better….I sound like I am in the other room!!!!!!
Second buy:
-A new floor lamp that is about 5.5feet tall….the overhead light is harsh in my room and guests complain and often we turn the light off….which is funny in a we-are-having-a-séance-sort-or-way….but I am minus a Ouija board (Wee-gee). (Which by the way I used to be soooo into when I was younger)
My thought is that this light will help me focus and write my damn report…..No light-bulbs are going off in my head… why don’t I buy some!!!
Well I hope this works…..if only I could blog my first year report……hmmmm that gives me an idea (LIGHT-BULB moment!!!) Why don’t I just think of my report like a big new blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish me Luck!!