Passing is a Good thing.....Yes?
I had my first year VIVA this morning. They go over my first year report and you defend your work and you decided if you get to continue on in your pHD.
I got grilled and grilled and I defended myself and my work....using a white board (which I love doing). They nit-picked and were tough but kind of fair…..sort of. I started getting a migraine during it....and it just got worse.
They think I am doing too much and have too many projects and are concerned...I wish I was the sort of person that had one normal project like others .....but that has never been the way it is. I always get extra stuff..."Cause if anyone can handle it ......You can!!". is what I hear
I am happy it is over and they were rough and validated that I am doing the work of three students....
I passed and by the end I was so whipped out and my head was splitting I just sat there in a daze.
Examiner 1: "Well ok, I am recommending you to continue on. You are doing good work and lots of it."
Me: Blank deflated stare.....
Examiner 2: "Yes I agree for you to continue your pHD."
Me: Blank deflated stare.....
Examiner 1: "So we are passing you. You pass."
Me: Blank deflated stare.....
Examiner 2: "This is a good thing....Yes"
Me: "What? Oh yes good thank you. ....ehh so I am done? erreummmm Thanks."