
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fighting Eels

Things that are NOT GOOD SIGNS.....

I just got in from a lab group lunch at a this great Japanese restaurant. SCS and I love getting this Eel on rice dish...and we always both order it. So sure enough we both stick to our pattern and get it. As I was eating it, I thought it tasted odd and it t still had these little sharp scales in them.....(this had never occured in previous orders). I started to get worried but looked down and saw her eating her dish....(she is more knowledgeable with these types of foods). I continue but really just end-up picking at it and remove most of the scales and decided this was too hard and don't eat most of it. Our group in conversation and then we think ....where is SCS? She has been gone for a while. ........

Well folks SCS is in the bathroom getting violently ill!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

Me: "ok I am going to check this out!" I go in and start knocking on the doors asking if she is ok. She says she is sick and is refusing help (which I understand). I then say, "Look SCS I had the same thing as you!".... she opens the door immediately!

Me: "I thought it tasted odd and the scales hurt my mouth and throat...but you were eating it....so I thought it might be ok."

SCS: "It tasted bad."....then the door is shuts and she is sick!

Damn! Everyone from my group is just staring at me waiting. I am trying to do a mind over matter!! I FEEL GREAT WOOOOHOOOO!!!

I hope I win over the eel..! If not....then I will be the girl passed out in the fetal position in my awesome new room.


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