
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Proud Sunday--Charles Darwin Style

I am soooo proud of my wonderful Ladies Crew for Winning their Division of this Sunday's Sprints! Fancy dressed as Charles Darwin racing in the HMS Beagle. (Fancy dressed in UK = Costumes)

Winning their four races...
Race#1 against Vikings
Race#2 against Oompah lomppahs
Race#3 against Men's Crew..yes they were not in costume....we actually beat a men's crew
Race#4 against Playboy Bunnies

Darwin Survival of Fittest!!
I am a proud Captain/Mum! Now as I am mostly coaching and not rowing...it is harder to be on the bank and nervous for your girls. But they were calm, strong and funny and we won!!!!! wooohoooo

Great Moments.....
1. That my ladies had billions of great costume ideas and voted for the team favorite.
2. Nice shopping trip with one of my girls and doing arts and crafts=costume design. (I seem to have a real knack for making Fancy-dress costumes for team races)...luck was on our side as we needed white beards during Santa season.
3. Me being more nervous as a coach then any race I have ever personally rowed in.
4. The girls making cute sad faces which shifted me into also making a costume for myself as their coach.... "Oh Reb...you are not gonna be in costume"...sad face sad face.....Me: "Oh of course I am girls."
5. Being the coach riding along town/river bank on bike as Charles Darwin.....you don't feel silly when you are in the boat with all other 8 people.....but when you are on your own on the river.....little silly.
6. Making sure everyone new we were DARWIN and NOT AMISH or some other old dude (in top hat and white beard)....making this costume led me to read up on Charles Darwin in case I was quizzed by people....leading me to make a sign the HMS Beagle sign for our boat (this was the ship Darwin was on during his explorations).
7. Picking exactly the RIGHT key things for the girls to focus on for each race and having them listen and then watching that race unfold and them executing the plan perfectly and calmly and WINNING!
8. Looking at my rowers....and laughing as they are A) were choking on there beards or B) blinded as the beards flipped up over there eyes. I just keep yelling/laughing "KEEP ROWING!!! JUST KEEP ROWING!!!"

Ahhhh good times good times!!!


Blogger fusionmouse said...

Happy Turkey-Day Reb.

Nice costumes... did Darwin wear reflective leg straps?

3:33 pm  
Blogger ARAG2 said...

This is so so so great!!! Thanks for the added details here... I appreciated them. I like the democratic costume style rather than a tyranny of NAVY blue face paint. *Ahem* :)

Loved the stories and little tidbits and LOVED that you beat a Men's crew! That is soooooo awesome! The team must be super suped up! Was there drama? Were there photo finish endings? I love it!!!!

9:23 pm  

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