
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Well hello there....

How is things?

Things are good here! The weather has been nice here in September.

After a Summer of things not working in the lab and having the feeling of banging my head against a wall.....this has been a successful Fall...where things have taken a wonderful turn.

This Thursday (two days from now WOOOHOOOO) I am going to Berlin to visit M. He and I are good....we talk several times a day and having these visits to look forward are wonderful. He is coming for a visit here for a week in October. He is sooo excited for my visit he sounds like a kid...it is really cute.

At the end of October, I will be heading back to work in the French lab in Montpellier... Wooohooo. I will be there for 6weeks and then hopefully finished and work for two chapters of my thesis doneā€¦.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Nessun Dorma

It is not raining....but it might as well be....

So today Pavarotti died.....very sad. I loved Pavarotti singing....my favorite like many
Nessun Dorma....

I had the pleasure to see him in concert when he came to Boston for my sweet-sixteen (well he didn't come for my 16th birthday....but you know what I mean).....this was what I wanted ....I didn't want a party. I wanted to hear Pavarotti.

Tickets were impossible to get but my Dad hunted them down after making an hour long call...in which he was switched from person to person....he finally got them. When he ordered them the caller asked my father how he got his number and my dad explained the long call and being switched and me turing sixteen......and the man laughed and said..."oh ok." My dad asked "Why?"....and the man replied..."Well because I am Pavarotti's manager and am in Las Vegas right now."

.....well anyway it was a wonderful time and we had good seats.

harder than anticipated.....

M left yesterday at 4am...and it was heartbreaking...I am lucky as my housemate/BFFL ...SAJF got up to say goodbye to M and to be with me....he is so nice.

So far M and I have been calling a lot....now that he is back at home...he fears his English will get worse each day away. For now we just talk about our days....as we don't know the future and both don't want to talk about any plans.

SAJF has been very helpful and understanding.... when we are just eating or sitting and I just start to cry. Last night I lost it in the supermarket (as I had been there one day before with M).....and I was trying to hold it together...and he found me in the cleaning aisle and smiled and led me around like a little girl......

I hope I will be more positive soon....I just feel like my heart is in the pit of my stomach and it is hard to go to sleep.

SAJF had to do all of this distance stuff before so he really understands....for now...my mom has been the wisest person through this (as usual)....as she said tonight, "Well there is nothing that can be said to make you feel better and I wish there was." .....and that is the perfect thing to say.


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