
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Grad School: Go for the PhD. Stay for the lunches

Grad School: Go for the PhD. Stay for the lunches

Ahhh these are the days that make being in Grad School great......it is lunch times.

I get to have nice long lunches and everyone here is sooo close in location to each other that you can meet up and have lunch and not having it take a huge amount of work or time away.

The last two days I have had wonderful calls from the new beau asking me out for lunch. Yesterday was our first work time lunch and we meet up and ate at this little eatery and split a baguette and sushi. It was great. We had a nice long lunch and talk....so lovely. Then we walk around the daily open market to check out any possible Christmas trees (to which they are lame) and we walk around holding hands and smiling. Then he looks at me and stops me in front of a florist booth and says, "Ok pick out some flowers."
Me: "OH you are soo sweet you don't have to do that."
Him: "I want to and when a girl says No to flowers she really means yes .....Right?"
Me: "Oh ok....thank you!!!"

I picked a bunch of daffodils cause I love them and that I can get them here at this time of year and I love watching them open up.
Me: "I like those Daffodils they are pretty and make me happy when they open. I will take a bunch."
Him: "Please make that three bunches for her." ......with a kiss.

Soooo sweet. Yeah!!!! I love flowers they make me sooo happy!

Today was a lovely soup and splitting a chicken baguette at one of my favorite little lunch places, followed by biking around town enjoying each other. This led him to look at my bike and being disturbed by the low seat and status of my brakes. .....Oops I have been caught. ;)

Him: "Reb, Your seat is far too low for you."
Me: " Yeah Yeah Yeah....I know everyone says that....I need to by a new one cause this is on the max and I am just lazy. I know it is bad for my knees....I hear this all the time."
Him: "Yes your knees but also you look ridiculous!"
Me: (Shocked)...."Woah if you put it that way then I will change it....I don't want to look bad on my bike. I got used to it and besides putting my feet down is easier for me to stop when my brakes don't work."
Him: "Don't get me started on your brakes. This bike is going to be proper for you and fixed by next week."
Me: "Thank you" :)


Blogger ARAG2 said...

Can you hire him out? I've got some wiring that needs doing.


Miss you too.

9:16 pm  

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