
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Monday, January 09, 2006

OH right of course, those chocy bicy things........RIGHT

I am finally back....from my holiday home and from my conference in the French Alps. I have lots of things to share and I will in good time......I have to work on a presentation for tomorrow that was just sprunge on me.

I will leave you with this until we other-wise meet....

While at the conference in the Alps I heard (from one of my friends).....what is now my new favorite british word/phrase. I am not sure how to spell this but here it goes.

"Chocy Bicy" = Chocolate Biscuts = Chocolate Cookie

Used in sentence: "Have you ever had Oreo cookies?" CAE replies, "Is that those chocy bicy things from the States?"
I immediatly look at her and think...."Who are you?" and "Where am I?"


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