
This blog will be about my latest escape plan.... leaving my job to become a grad-student and moving from Cambridge,MA USA to Cambridge UK. There will be both blue and gray sky moments as I try to fumble my way through my new surroundings and an ocean out of my comfort zone.

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Location: Berlin, Germany

I am moving over from Boston to Berlin and am excited for this new chapter!

Friday, July 20, 2007

New house

It has been a week in the new house....and SAJF and I are loving it. It is sooo great. We are waiting for our internet to get set up and then it will be complete.

Last Friday we moved in...pretty hassle free thanks to M renting a car and 5 amazing friends helping out. We invited them back the next night for a Bastille day-new house BBQ (French Revolution day) ....which was funny because Saturday morning....SAJF and I were unpacking and clearing up and we thought.....hmmmmm we need to go out and buy a BBQ. hahaha

So we got the one we had our eye on and I went out and cleaned/swept/weeded the "garden" BBQ area.....and we were on are way.

We both took Monday off and unpacked and met with the landlord and got little things sorted. It was soo nice and we love our place so much we don't ever want to leave it.

Things are good and we have everything we need as the landlord provided us with all new things we would need.... which is great and both of us know we won't end up here in the UK and don't want to collect a massive about of stuff.

Life is good....and I have flower pots and now flowers in them. Pictures will follow....



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